Monday 5 October 2015

Toys with soul

Day nice to sit down in a morning, drink hot coffe and look how my georges girl playing... When I looked at her like that I moved back in my mind to my childhood. I remember that I was spending most of my time running around outside with my friends. We were chasing, playing hide and sick and my Mum call me by the window that I have to come back because it's late. All of that was part of my childhood. Everyone had also his beloved toys, which unfortunately doesn't look like today's toys.

I remember that when my son born we were buying him thousand of toys and he was playing with them no more than 5 minutes and through them in a corner. Now when my daughter born I am trying to buy toys responsibility because I think it is very important thing. I prefer less toys but high quality. I don't want lots of unuseful toys laying around house. I don't need to spend lots of money on toys that she will put back in a cupboard. But there are some toys withaout wich I can't imagine my little one childhood.  Maybe because I am so sentimental. Wooden bricks, rocking horse, teddy bear sewd by Nanny with eyes maded with buttons. Are you missing sometimes for souch toys with soul??? Very simple, nothing special on first look, but there is something special on them that make me feel like I would be a child again, even only for a moment...

One of this toys I bought for my Niki. Wooden rocking horse. When I looked at her when she sitting on it and playing I feel magick around and I am sure that's best choice and best company for her children adventure...

If you would like to buy souch one for your child pleas contact me on facebook or by the email.

Have a lovely day ;)

Sunday 4 October 2015

I am back! :P

I haven't been so long here that I feel like I'm start from begining.

I start two new jobs in a nursery and school and first few months were realy big challange for me. Work , everyday home diuties, children ... and at the and of the day I was terrible tired :(
I havn't done nothing. But now I pull myself together and my son and his fear before darkness inspired me to made this!

#dreamcatcher is carefully made crochet cotton thread tangled on  wooden beech embroidery hoop. It's decorated with ribbons, laces, buttons and tiulle pom pom. It is my vision of indian talisman wich let to dream only good dreams. Dreamcatcher work fantastic with my little boy. He is no longer afraid to go to sleep by himself. But it is also a lovely decoration of children or even adult beadrooom. It is a great idea for unique present. 

And this are my little ones trying new toy :)

Night, night sleep tight :)